FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE is a highly concentrated colour-safe, liquid stain removing product. It is designed to eliminate stains remaining after the wash process. FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE is designed for use on coloured and white fabrics, in place of traditional chlorine bleach to reduce colour loss and fabric degradation.
FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE is a highly concentrated colour-safe, liquid stain-removing product. It is designed to eliminate stains remaining after the wash process. FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE is designed for use on coloured and white fabrics, in place of traditional chlorine bleach to reduce colour loss and fabric degradation. is a 25% active solution of hydrogen peroxide and is supplied by Dimachem as part of its laundry system. Typical commercial laundry operations use a 3 or 4-component process for optimum washing performance. Consult with your Dimachem representative for the full lineup of products recommended for your process.
FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE is typically used via an automatic dosing system alongside the other components and dosed directly into the laundry wash water at the same time as the detergent. FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE works by releasing oxygen which decolourizes stains and allows coloured items in the wash to retain their colour. FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE works best at wash temperatures above 55°C when the oxygen is more readily given up.
Automatic Dosing:
Use in combination with Liquid laundry detergent and fabric conditioner via a 3-way dosing unit. Your Dimachem representative will be happy to advise on dosing units, installation and set-up to achieve optimum performance and economy. Dimachem normally recommends dosing units made by Knight Ltd.
Dosing by Hand:
We do not normally recommend hand dosing, or handling by hand, of FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE because it is a concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide and this will cause burns to the skin and eyes. It is also susceptible to contamination when dosed by hand and this can cause depletion of the oxygen content.
If hand dosing is necessary Diamchem can supply a powder version of FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE which is easier and safer to use by this method.
The wash solution temperature should be above 55°C for best performance.
Keep FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE in the original container. Contamination can cause gassing in the bottle. Do not allow the concentrated FRESHKLEEN OXYBRITE to come into contact with coloured fabrics.
Commercial laundries and on-premise laundry facilities associated with care homes, nursing homes, hotels, health centres and spas.