EZ STRIP ALUMINUM SERIES paint strippers are part of an acidic paint stripper system designed to remove cured paint from aluminum parts. The system is low-VOC with biodegradable surfactants and alcohols.
EZ STRIP ALUMINUM SERIES is designed to strip aluminum by both dissolving and undercutting cured paint. This allows the paint to be removed in sheets by subsequent rinse stage(s), keeping the majority of the paint out of the bath and extending the bath life.
EZ STRIP ALUMINUM SERIES is also highly effective on CRS/HRS, Brass and Copper substrates. However, processing of these substrates should be done in a separate bath from one used for processing aluminum alloys. Any accumulation of iron, copper or zinc can result in the pitting of aluminum alloys. Decanted/spent EZ STRIP ALUMINUM SERIES bath may be used as a cost-effective way to build separate baths for use on CRS/HRS.
1. Low-VOC with biodegradable surfactants and alcohols.
2. Operating temperature is ambient to 160F.
3. Single package charge up.
4. Highly effective Aluminum paint stripper, but also effective on CRS/HRS, Brass and Copper substrates.
Please note separate tanks are required.
1. Used in immersion baths only.
2. EZ STRIP™ ALUMINUM RTU is shipped as a dual-phase MIX BEFORE USE!
3. Baths are typically made up at 100% (v/v) EZ STRIP™ ALUMINUM RTU.
4. Fresh baths may be charged using separate make-up products.
5. Agitation is highly recommended.
6. Maintain a 3 – 6” oil blanket using EZ STRIP™ OIL BLANKET.
7. Bath level is replenished with EZ STRIP™ ALUMINUM RTU.
8. Conductivity can be measured to track the buildup of dissolved metals, paint etc. Note: A fresh bath typically has a conductivity of ~16mS/cm.
9. Full operating temperature range is Ambient – 160°F.
10. Use in an insulated, ventilated stainless steel tank.
11. Avoid any introduction of any free metals (iron, zinc etc) into the bath by means of racking or processing non-aluminum parts.