Tester for Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, ORP, Free Chlorine (FCE), pH, and Temperature. The Ultrameter II does the job of up to seven instruments.
– 3 solution standards for the greatest accuracy in diverse applications.
– Fully automatic temperature compensation.
– User adjustable temperature compensation (up to 9.99%/°C) also allows TC to be disabled for applications requiring non-compensated readings.
– User adjustable conductivity/TDS conversion ratio for greater accuracy when measuring solutions not contained in the microprocessor.
– Auto-shutoff maximizes the life of the single 9V battery to more than 100 hours/5000 tests.
– Non-volatile microprocessor provides data back-up, even when the battery is changed. This assures all calibrations and memory data will be retained.
– Extended life pH/ORP sensor is user-replaceable in the field.
All calibrations are quickly accomplished by pressing the ▲ or ▼ keys to agree with our NIST traceable Standard Solution. When calibration is necessary, display prompts simplify pH calibration and make sure the correct buffer is being used. Plus, all parameters (excluding factory-set temperature) have an internal electronic setting that can be used for field calibration and as a check on pH/ORP sensor life.